Just typing...

Well, it’s not that I have stopped blogging and not that I don’t know what to write about... but more often than not I am just bored for no reason or caught with a blank on my face! I do the things that I did these years, umm... not really, I have them all but it still feels weird with me just sitting... not knowing how days go by, and there, again stuck not knowing what to write. Just sitting, staring at some characters in black.

I think I need some quiet time.


Rize said...

but werent the characters white :P .. nice to have u back writing the usual crap again :P ...get ur a$% off the chair and get out and go for a nice drive! go out and have fun and come back and write! :)

Sketcher said...

I thought of the colour of the characters and then thought of you and knew that you will come up with this crap :)
But my friend... While typing it... The letters were in black!
Seriously, I want to go somewhere. Not a trip but just for a moment.

Rize said...

:D ...
hmmm..there are not too many places left to go out and be by yourself rite....our lake might be a good option..if it still exists that is..

El Furibundo said...

@Rize: Lake exists, but it is in the verly last death throes, man.

@Sketcher: think happy thoughts, buddy! Everything will be alright.