I'm a born _______ !

You must have heard this phrase ...
"He/she is a born ______"
(Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Any answer, however correct (eg. artist, singer, cricketer, yada yada yada (this one borrowed from stargazer), other than the one written in the VTU answer template will not be given any marks, unless of course you are in the grace marks region)
and must have also used it in the many days that you have lived just to read this post.
Well, it just dawned upon me (at 1:03 AM on the rainy night of the 8th of October 2008, when my super dirty car is getting a natural wash) as to what needs to go in that blank for me.
Yes, in the middle of all this gloominess I have found the answer to my blank... and since I have done so, I would like to share it with you.
I, sketcher, am a born LAZZZZZZZZZZZZZY GUY !!
Hun, what was that... I know you all agree with me. I know!!
The funda of me the anda(in shape) is simple... (beware, killer logic on its way!)
Musicians are born singers when they start singing at a very young age, no training no whatever else it requires, nothing. They just learn to be good singers.
Likewise, I started doing two things, eat and sleep, right from birth. And now, without any practice or effort, I do just that day in and day out. Eat... sleep, eat... sleep. When someone asks me how did my weekend go... I have one standard answer, ate... slept! Now aren't these the traits of a born lazy guy??

To all those who find some kind of kinship with this post... Welcome to the slouch club.

What a let down...

For a looong long time I tried to get back to doing stuff, stuff that I always wanted to do but never found the time, or let me say, laziness never let time come into my hands. Then finally, after one hell of a battle with laziness, I managed to sit up and get back to doing things. One of which was being regular on this blog. And the other was to back to sketching.
With a very nervous hand and an even nervous mind I picked up my pencil, flipped through pages of half attempts made earlier (quite demoralizing on it's own) and made it to a new page in my sketch book. Now that I had everything set up I decided to start from the basics as I was coming back to my long forgotten art of sketching :P. After a few strokes of practice I decided to sketch something good, something that would make me want to sketch again. I looked around for something simple yet interesting, and to my luck, I found exactly what I needed. Stroke by stroke I kept building the sketch, and every few minutes just stopped and stared at what I was doing. I almost stopped in the middle loosing hope of doing justice to the sketch, but something kept pushing me to finish it. When it was done I was actually surprised to see what I had sketched. I had a smile on my face, a smile of satisfaction. It was quite a relief to know that I still hadn't lost touch. I immediately took a snap of it, and sent it across to everyone I know just to show off :D. The most common question I got in response was "Who is this? Is this your girlfriend?" Well.. what can I say, If this were my girlfriend, then why would I share a sketch of her with you guys!! I think I would keep it between just the two of us!
So, just for kicks (or AGT as some of us would say) here's what I sketched.

click on the image to see a better sized one

So now, what was the let down...
Since I was all happy that I could still sketch after such a long break, I took up another assignment. This one more difficult, simply because I wanted to match the sketch with the actual image. This time of course, the nervousness was outside the window. So then, I sat with my pencils and sketching pad, again, stroke by stroke put detail into the sketch. Well, first of all... the sketch was not all that similar to the actual image, but most importantly... the sketch did not even look like a normal human :( It looked deformed. Disturbing... really. So now, again... the nervousness that was outside the window has found it way back to the doorstep. And the sketch... well I think I better put that outside the window :(

(For obvious reasons the second sketch is not available for you to see)

Total chaos!!

Clock work!!
A simple Sunday morning, everything going on like clockwork... the snoozing of the alarm every fourth minute for an hour and more, the reluctant lazy stretch to wake up, the dive back in bed for the last two minutes of sleep (the most needed 2 minutes of sleep), the hurried realization of being somewhere within the next half hour... all of it, even though chaotic, is still part of the every Sunday routine... so "clockwork" :) Almost every week that I have been here, intentions of doing something different over a weekend just seem to remain an intention. Nothing really happens as planned! Oh wait!! did I ever plan something in the first place! :P

Nothing much!! just chilling!! - on what? an ice pack?

A game where the striker runs to the next base knowing very well that he will be out before getting there! Why did he run in such a situation in the first place... who the hell knows... "Hit and Run"!! Moral of the story... If you want to run and be safe... hit hard enough! Now what do you do the next time you are on the road and you bump into a stationary vehicle?

My side of the fence!!
Inside or outside? looks like i have a fence on only one side... I tried to find the other end of the fence but had to leave hope! It took me five months to get back to see my side of the fence! phew!! so... am i on the inside or outside? please help!!

Microsoft word!!
The single software responsible to screw up the capability of a person to spell words correctly. One living example who has been affected by this deadly virus is right now putting in xtra effort to get his spellings wright. (Hope they are all correct! :P )

Why this post??
Zimbly gumbly!! ;)

The evolution of.....

Well... i am really bad at writing metered poetry, and i seriously have not made an attempt.
Request you to get into my boots, imagine me doing a sing song recital of this write up, and read it in that same way :) Hope you achieve it! :D

Mr. Ape woke up one day and found himself in a fix,
He didn't know what to do, coz it was time to make a pick.
"Which one of these do I want to be?" he asked himself that question,
An ape or man? what might be more fun, its time of crazy evolution.

He swung upwards from branch to branch, to get a better picture,
And as he saw the masses down there, he said "I'd rather be a ditcher!"
Off he went to his "hang out" where there were a couple more goofs,
One with a stone, one with an axe and one with muddy hoofs.

He still had no clue of what he needs to do, to make himself feel good,
It was not easy to leave all behind and especially this abundance of food.
But then he saw the wonders of the axe and began to take the walk,
A walk that made him loose his swing and the comfort of "I know it all!"

Today we stand just at that point where the ape was once before,
Do we want to leave the "hang out" now and check out what's in store.
With the pace at which the axe turned to snipes and the mind moves on today,
Man will live with chips rigged up, and hope they won't betray!

There is so much progress in the field of medical sciences (technology in general) that we find all kinds of gizmos, that we are evolving from natural herbs and roots to becoming semi cyborgs. Is it good for us to evolve this much where we loose are present structure?. It might not be natural evolution, but it can be so that every person one day will walk with a portable life sustainer. It is something that might be scary, or might be a boon to mankind, but what ever it is, it's got me to think that it is now our time to chose our degree evolution.

One more thing that brought me to write this post, and actually the more influential point is this...

There was a time when kids spent a lifetime of innocence before they were introduced to the realities of the world. A lifetime of self will and laziness. A lifetime of a walk in wonderland. But things have changed, changed so much that kids don't even know what it is to spend a day of laziness. All they are driven through are competitions, complicated academics, heads up trainings, extra curricular interests and what not. Some of them don't even know what they are going through, and by the time they do, its too late.

There was a time, when youngsters planned things for the next week or month, when they dreamt of the next holiday and the time they get to spend with friends, when they thought of things in their time, in their phase of life. But now they have to plan for the next phase of life without realizing that this current phase is not being lived. Plan for something a better future, while the past is going unnoticed. Planning for the time to come, when the time in hand is just slipping away.

We have gotten so monotonous with the things we do, that we are not too different from programmed robots. We wake up at a definite time, we do the same kind of things every day. We have a definite routine which we easily get disinterested in. We are trying to run faster than what is possible, stretch further than our reach, climb higher than our limit, dive deeper than the ocean. If we want to so much in the present, with the intension of having a better future... then when will we ever enjoy the present?