The grass grows...

The old saying goes “The grass is always greener on the other side”. But why is it always that we are on the other side of the grass?
Sitting in a train on the way for a fun filled vacation after many weeks of hectic work can make your mind so empty, it feels like you just got it all sucked up and stored in a vacuum jar at home. And when the mind is all empty, they say the devil’s at work. Now, if my mind is empty… what the hell is the devil working on? Restructuring brain cells or something?
Anyway, the devil was working on something… I didn’t know what… but these are some of the thoughts that passed by mind during that lazy slouch.

I sat at the window, my head to the bars,
My mind all free from the corporate wars.
As the train whistled on, I saw the guard waving the green,
And thought, lucky guy, there is no frustration to be seen.

I stopped the waving, as I looked at those guys,
They were all relaxed and carrying a grand smile.
While staring at that bunch of guys in the bogie,
Lucky guys, I thought, they have all the money to live a life so care free.

We went past woods, we went past fields,
Then I saw a bunch of farmers dancing in the rain.
I saw them enjoy every drop that wet the earth,
And thought, when it rains, we consider the day is of no worth!

As we danced we saw the train go past,
And then saw these guys pull the window covers fast.
Our living depend on the rains and the earth,
While these guys can happily live through the worst drought.

Each time that I think my job is a pain,
I remember the many people I saw while in the train.
Then I imagine myself on the other side,
And see that the pain seems lesser on my side.

Pain is present in every phase of life and every job offering,
It is not a choice and will always bt there for the giving.
But to suffer in its existance or ignore it is what we get to decide,
And that’s what makes a person see the grass grow greener on his side.


Rize said...

nice one...which train journey are u talking about?
And ya..pain is there in everything...ignore it or get hooked!!

Stargazer said...

Nice indeed. Been waiting for this for a while.

'Smee! said...

Hey i like this the best so far!

Me&TheUniverse said...

good one ... denmark's sort of changed you. or ... was it bcoz of the girls (who are not seen in any of your snaps) .. anyway.. a poet in the making.. good ..

Sketcher said...

@pradeep - I was talking about the journey through life! :)

@stargazer - well you had an idea of the post! but doesn't look like it matched your expectation

@smee - merci beacoup!

@me&theuniverse - This is a pure indian feeling! Denmark juts does not let me get off the girls :D