Blue solution in a flask, something else in a long pipe. Add a few drops of what ever is in the pipe to the flask, shake… :( nothing, add a few more…. hey! something happened, but not for long :(, who cares… add another… ah… now the colour changed. Aim achieved; smile on my face :). This is the only part of chemistry that interests me and troubles me too. Now smiles aren’t the end result of any chemistry experiment… I still cannot stand the experiment where we get the rotten egg smell as the end result.
Change. No clue what happened, but now there’s something new in front of me. What caused all this change??? The composition of the blue solution changed.
Human beings are similar to the blue solution, fiddle around and you will find them change. Change in colour is possible too… beat them up… they go black and blue, get them angry and they go red, get them to blush… uuuuh pink!! J But these changes aren’t permanent. What I am more concerned about are the changes that are more permanent or let me say long lasting.
What was the original subject of the post?
no clue :P
did you write this in class, naughty boy? you should've just bunked!!
i think i wrote this at the time stargazer was changing colours :)
u mean permanent change in color or temp change?? (sorry i got too much gyan from this post! :P)
Good.. You're my brother..
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