Just Instrumental

What's more important when it comes to listening to music? Is it the lyrics, the delivery or the instrumental? Everyone would agree that all these play an equally important role in making a song a chart buster . But then what about just instrumental? There are no words, there is no style of delivery but it still can be catchy or can elevate you into a totally different world. It is true that lyrics give depth to a song, but in a way it gives that song just that one dimension which is subject to ones interpretation. Being a regular listner of just instrumental I have begun to believe that music without lyrics is like a book which reads different every time it is read. It has it's own characters each speaking out something throughout the piece. A little wierd but yes sometimes has it's own lyrics. Well, now I don't mean that lyrics are absolutely not required, but I'm just trying to bring out the vastness of how simple tunes with no lyrics can be interpreted. I'm not sure how many of you have felt this but if you haven't or if you have really not considered tuning into instrumental then I suggest that you give it a try.


Rize said...

nice way of thinking...If I was listening to instrumental, then most probably my mind will be making its own lyrics...but songs with lyrics are the ones i prefer!

Anonymous said...

Very true…
That’s one reason why I prefer stories to songs.
Trying to make them sound right n rhym, the lyricist might end up saying something else than what he had intended to.
Happens a couple of times that while listening to a song I feel that it sounds beautiful…but it might have meant a lot more; had the words been different.
I feel a lyricist must first write his song as a story n then make a song out of it.
God know how much of it will remain the same.

Unknown said...

Yep, I listen to quite a lot of songs with no lyrics or just some hums, and I like it that way, takes me to my own dreamland